time shift
So I’m in my last 7 days of being in Rio… this time… and I feel this shift in timelines.
It’s fucking incredible, really!
But I’m also impatient as fuck.
I deeply dislike the brief time of “dead energy” that occurs before really big shifts come to fruition. Granted, the shift has already taken place. On my birthday, or a couple days prior, but it’s like - yea. Done. Point of no return passed.
Fucking love it.
HOWEVER, there is a timing aspect to this as well… which requires patience…. and, I’m an ancient-woman. My patience comes at the cost of a mother fucking blood sacrifice. Every second of dead energy, or lapses in flow, are like fucking needles through my veins. I was not designed for patience in this life…..
I’m heading back to Los Angeles next Sunday. End of a little era, complete. And in recognition of all these shifts in perspectives and life priorities that have occurred, I’ve got to take care of some line items that will support this next expression unfolding.
(1) At the start of November, I’ll begin working with a new mentor. Granted, I do love my old mentor, and I will still leverage his advice in the future, but I need to be a bit more rooted in reality right now. I will always be a little energetic bae, and my spirituality is my day-to-day heroine of sorts. But, in recognition of my insatiable desire for freedom and my own version of personal success, I do need to shift my focus to more tangible goals right now. This new mentor is also rooted in spirituality, but she’s an IRL boss babe. Her fluency in energy is related to finances and the flow of wealth, which matches the energy I’ve stepped in to (the energy of Orixá, Oxum). If you want to amplify and build out new energies, you gotta connect with those who are a genius in that perspective. New shifts in priorities require new shifts in advice.
(2) As much as I used to pride myself on my little “birth control free” lifestyle that I pre trained myself for prior to removing my IUD, I have reached the functional edge of this freedom. The number of pregnancy scares I have had since making this choice…. because, god forbid, I could simply not find the consistent willpower to use protection…..despite truly best efforts… (that shit sucks - how has that technology not gotten better?? for gods sake…). The straw that broke the camel’s back, though, was the release of all of the heavy bullshit from last month. After kissing a big “Fuck You” goodbye to the Death energy around seeing an EX and realizing (and releasing) all of these bullshit rules I made about myself due to his rejection, my previously dried up and dormant Sacral energy is simply refusing to be shut down, anymore. Big shout out to Tomorrowland, Brasil, aiding and abetting in this reactivation. I truly was worried it was dead and gone for good…..But, alas, yes, a new IUD is scheduled for me within like the first 2 weeks I’m back in the States. Gotta respect that Scorpio energy within… and not end up with an accidental child. Anyways, props to me for prioritizing both my mental health and my physical health, all in one go. (wink)
(3) Relating to line item one, I’m making some serious shifts in my work and career. Granted, I need a bit of guidance so I don’t unnecessarily burn my whole world down, but I’m also completely at peace and actually kind of hoping that this next change does require a bit of arsine. I’m in the midst of a massive jump and shift into an entirely new era of Emily, so to me, that means some things gotta burn down… But, I will need some less… firey.. advice if I’m going to root this change into something stable and fruitful, in all semblances of the word.
My big ass energy is tired of playing life small (LOL because technically I don’t actually play life that small, but it’s still too small for me). Time to combust.
HOWEVER, as it stands, I am sitting in my Airbnb in Rio hiding from the agony of rain. It’s something that Cariocas and I energetically bond on: we get that rain is important, and it makes everything green and beautiful, but it is to be avoided at all costs by staying inside, whenever and wherever possible…. But being inside also makes for a boring ass day… No complaints, though! I love the life I have created here, so being forced to slow down a bit is usually a healthy thing, anyways…Because god knows I am still learning to create “healthy moments of rest” in my life.
But the agony of the semi-dead energy in between…. I hate it. So much. It’s like this loss of interest in doing what is known in recognition that your energy has already shifted to the unknown. I get it, some people consider this to be ungrateful… but, to me, those people sound like they just move too slow through life…… and thrive in complacency. Bite me.
On that thread, I am consciously making an effort to move in a flow-state, in complete recognition that I can handle and that I thrive in a more chaotic and fast-paced flow state than most. It’s ok that we’re different; just don’t interfere with my flow, and I won’t comment on how fucking slow and sluggish yours is. :)
Cheers for today <3